Scattered Threads Friendship Group
On March 13, 2013, I visited the Scattered Threads Friendship Group. They meet at the POA building in the Prescott Country Club on the first Wednesday of each month. The group is open to anyone that wishes to attend and their mailing list has 33 people on it! They say that people come and go, but there is a core group of about 20 people. They refer to their meetings as a ' Chat and Sew' (or Stitch & Bitch - depending on the mood, I suppose). Originally, this group was part of the Applique Society in 2005 but 3 years ago they decided to give up their membership as a chapter of TAS. The name was chosen by Margaret Mecca - one of the orignial members who has since moved away. They still work on their applique projects, but the group is pretty free form and the members work on anything they want to bring at the meetings. They usually stick with hand sewing, but they wouldn't turn anyone away that showed up with a sewing machine. They begin arriving at 9:00am and members just come and go throughout the day, staying as long as they are able. They each bring a lunch and just sit and enjoy each other's company. There is a general movement around the room where ladies go and observe what each other are working on and discussing their own projects. They bring Show & Tell and share their quilts with the group during the meeting. They say the main focus of the group is friendship and for raising their quilt addiction levels. They don't do any group projects and don't travel together to events, but are content to just have a place to go to get together and talk about quilting (or whatever comes up!). The ladies in the 'core group' are Kathy Barrett, Sandy Mitchell, Mary Andra Holmes, Gloria Bess, Carolyn Doyle, Lynne Gray, Carolyn Edwards, Earlene Springs, Kathleen Bond, Marilyn Thompson, Susan Perry, Joan Carrell, Julie Dodds, Lynn Beck, Anne Abrams, Nepha Franks, Karla Morriston and Maryann Conner. Thank you, Scattered Threads, for letting me come and visit! |