Antique and Vintage Machine Enthusiasts – “The Pedal Pushers”
Rosemary Carr – contact person
First Friday of the month, 9:00 am through lunch into early afternoon, as projects dictate. (Day subject to change to accommodate holidays)
(Members bring a lunch if working into the afternoon.)
Originating in January 2015 this new friendship group finds itself gathering not in the living rooms of its members, but in garages or on patios and porches getting down and dirty to intimately get to know the ins and outs of their vintage and antique machines. Rosemary Carr has spearheaded the group and shared her infectious passion for these old cast iron black beauties by introducing her “choir” of 10 Singers ranging in dates from 1910 to 1956.
From simple servicing of a machine, to kerosene baths, dismantling, removing decades of crud, polishing chrome, and even accepting a “baggie challenge” to rebuild a Featherweight machine (Angela brought her parts in a baggie), or demonstrating a vintage attachment – anything goes. Several members own treadle machines and gatherings will rotate so that each machine can be worked on in its home environment.
In the week following the third gathering of the group, 7 of the 9 members bought a “new-to-them” vintage machine, and an 8th member had purchased one in the preceding month.
Once everyone has their machines up and running, the group will begin sewing challenges and has talked of putting together a special vignette to include their vintage machines and the quilts stitched on them for a future quilt show.
If you’re not afraid of getting a little dirt and grime under your nails (disposable gloves will not be frowned upon) , you love the idea of keeping the past alive, you have a good sense of humor and adventure, then “The Pedal Pushers” friendship group is for you.